Hi Everyone,
Spoil Alert if your going to listen from the beginning!
If you're a new listener and you don't want to go back to our humble beginnings; here's a great place to start. I do my best to bring you up to speed on our last 100 episodes of the main show, so you can pick up our story with us at episode 101.
If you have been listening this might also be a nice refresher for where we are so far.
thanks for listening, don't forget to check us out in the following places.
We stream on stitcher, apple podcasts, and spotify.
And if you like us please support us on Patreon at
Arc four Intro Music Written by Mason Santos @masonxsantos
Remixed by Jameson Oxford
Torchlit Tavern Emblem designed by Mitchell Travis
Edited By Jameson Oxford
Social Media stuff: Group FB- https://www.facebook.com/Torchlit-Tav...
Group Twitter - https://twitter.com/TorchlitTavern
Ryan Twitter - https://twitter.com/ryanSCBsantos
Jay Twitter - https://twitter.com/AgentBeige
Randall/Redactyl Instagram - @ArgoOmega
Jeff Twitter - https://twitter.com/BiG_J_thebadman
Mitch - Is Bruce
Strana - Is Sobobos/Bobp
Mr Grimm's Awakened Undead Race Created by - Mox22 on DnDBeyond
You can also check out episodes on Youtube. Please enjoy the show.