Welcome back to Torchlit Tavern!
Season's Greetings from us at the Tavern. As the season comes upon us we decided we would do another couple of Solstmas Episodes to harken in the holiday.
A darkness has fallen upon the land of Solstmas ever since the absense of the Santa Clause. A rag tag coalition of fey is sent in to find out who is sending a distress signal and to save Solstmas.
Happy Holidays!
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Arc four Intro Music Written by Mason Santos @masonxsantos
Remixed by Jameson Oxford
Torchlit Tavern Emblem designed by Mitchell Travis
Edited By Jameson Oxford
Mastered by Ryan Santos
Social Media stuff: Group FB- https://www.facebook.com/Torchlit-Tav...
Group Twitter - https://twitter.com/TorchlitTavern
Ryan Twitter - https://twitter.com/ryanSCBsantos
Jay Twitter - https://twitter.com/AgentBeige
Jeff Twitter - https://twitter.com/BiG_J_thebadman
Mitch - Is House (Warforged Fighter)
Jeff - Is Sol Danse(A Satyr Druid)
Ryan - Is Darthanial Fluteblower (a Centaur Bard)
You can also check out episodes on Youtube. Please enjoy the show.
Additional Sounds from Freesound.org